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Precision process for processing contact shrapnel
03-15 / 2024

Shenzhen Licao Precision Mold Co., Ltd. specializes in the production and processing of precision contact shrapnel. We are a manufacturing enterprise specializing in the production of precision hardware stamping products and precision molds, providing customers with comprehensive services in product mold design, part mold design, and product production. Widely used in the automotive industry, electronics industry, home appliance industry, aviation industry, etc. With years of technical experience, continuous innovation and technological improvement, the company aims to provide customers with high-quality products and services, and has won the trust and praise of customers!

When processing contact shrapnel, it is sometimes necessary to perform bending processing. If the curvature radius of the curved parts is relatively small, these parts will generate significant stress. To avoid generating significant stress in the curved part.

Stress concentration at the contact fragment notch or hole location. Workpieces often have stepped parts and openings, and stress concentration will occur at the step where the size changes sharply. The smaller the diameter of the hole, the larger the width of the plate, and the greater the stress concentration coefficient.

When designing, it is necessary to consider selecting suitable precision stamping shapes and dimensions for the shape and dimensional tolerances of contact spring pieces. At the same time, it is also necessary to fully consider dimensional tolerances such as springback during bending and deformation during heat treatment of precision metal spring pieces.

The radius of the curved part of the contact fragment. When forming shrapnel, most of them require bending processing. If the curvature radius of the curved parts is relatively small, then these parts will generate significant stress. Therefore, to avoid significant stress in the bending section, the design should ensure that the bending radius is at least five times the thickness of the plate.

Stress concentration at the contact fragment notch or hole location. Fragments often have stepped parts and openings, and stress concentration will occur at the step where the size changes sharply. The smaller the diameter of the hole, the larger the width of the plate, and the greater the stress concentration coefficient.

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