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Share the experience of learning high-precision molds
03-22 / 2024

The first stop of our study on this trip is high-speed module assembly. When it comes to the precision of the mold, the high-speed terminal mold should be considered the most precise here. The stamping material is generally stainless steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.08-0.2 mm. The punching gap is as small as 0.008 mm, and the minimum width of the punching hole is 0.25 mm. The punch gives a feeling of weakness. How to punch such a small hole? How can such a small punching gap ensure the manufacturing accuracy of the mold? It would be unimaginable if it weren't for what I saw with my own eyes.

Opening the drawing, understanding the mold structure, designing and manufacturing tolerances, and its special manufacturing process, we can easily feel the pulse of this set of molds.

All punching parts are inserted into blocks and punches from top to bottom, and the cutting edge is made of tungsten steel. JG grinding of the entry hole and fixed pin hole of the upper template, stripper plate, and lower template, with a sliding fit clearance of c+0.005~0.010 mm, a non sliding fit of c+0.003 mm, and a machining accuracy of+/-0.002 mm; The main structural guide component is a ball sleeve matched with a precision guide column, and the punching hole structure adopts a local structure separated from the upper mold, which is locked on the lower template with an equal height sleeve to compensate for the accuracy error of the stamping equipment; The guide components of the local structure are precision graphite self-lubricating inner guide pillars, and the inner guide sleeves of the stripper plate and lower template are filled with glue to compensate for the machining errors of the guide components, improve the guidance accuracy, and ensure the positional accuracy of the template during the stamping process; The smallest possible stamping stroke can make the length of the punching punch as short as possible, and appropriate punch reinforcement can improve the strength of the punch. This can fully reflect the trend of mold designers towards high-precision design concepts, ensuring the highest quality and high requirements of the mold as much as possible.

The modern processing equipment and high-precision processing technology have enabled these design concepts to be fully utilized. After the heat treatment of the template, it undergoes deep cold aging treatment to eliminate internal stress, prevent template deformation, ensure the processing stability of the template, and ensure the flatness and parallelism of the template by plane grinding, with a parallelism of 0.005 mm.

I admire the precision of the mold assembly engineer even more. Firstly, carefully understand the mold surface, familiarize oneself with product information, analyze the mold structure, and understand the design intent; Check the parts, chamfer, polish, and mark with meticulous care; The template should be deburred and coated with oil to prevent rust in a step-by-step manner. Special positioning tools should be used to install external guide pillars and guide sleeves to ensure their verticality; The measured thickness of the template is qualified if the difference between the four measurements is within 0.005 mm; Punches and blocks should be matched separately, with smooth matching, proper grinding, and clear judgment standards; The self inspection of the product during mold testing and adjustment should be carried out using a projector, with an accuracy of 0.003mm when repairing and inserting the mold into the block; Without a concept of precision, it is impossible to cultivate high quality and install high-precision molds.

Mold development is mainly divided into three stages: mold design; Processing of molds; Assembly, testing, and repair of molds. One of the three is indispensable. A set of high-precision molds should have precise design, processing, and assembly.

Designers give the mold soul, processors shape the mold body, and assemblers give the mold life. The concept of precision molds runs through the entire process of mold manufacturing

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