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Preparation steps for stamping parts processing and production
07-23 / 2021

The main steps for receiving stamping parts orders are:

1. Hardware stamping parts worksheet analysis

After receiving the hardware stamping parts drawings provided by the customer, the first step is to confirm the quantity and specific dimensional tolerance requirements of the product with the customer, and then decide on the production process to be used. After determining the production process, a reasonable discharge method should be designed to minimize waste to the greatest extent possible.

2. Develop a processing plan for hardware stamping parts

After analyzing the drawings of hardware stamping parts, it is necessary to develop the entire processing plan. Some hardware stamping products not only include stamping processes, but also other processing processes.

3. Determine the quantity and shape of the processing process

Most stamping parts require multiple processes. Design a reasonable number of projects. A decrease in the number of processes means a reduction in product costs. After determining the number of processing processes, it is necessary to understand the shape and size of the product after each process, and determine the size and shape of the product blank.

4. Stamping Mold Design

When designing stamping molds, attention should be paid to ensuring the operability and safety of the molds. Fragile components are also designed for disassembly and easy maintenance in the future.

5. Choose appropriate stamping

The required stamping pressure should be calculated based on the appearance specifications and thickness of the hardware stamping parts, and the table size of the stamping press should also take into account the product.

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