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How to improve the processing efficiency of hardware stamping parts?
09-03 / 2021

For stamping parts manufacturers, the processing efficiency of stamping parts is directly related to profits, and many fields require stamping parts, such as ordinary automotive stamping parts, automotive parts stamping parts, electrical parts stamping parts, daily stamping parts, household appliance stamping parts, special aviation stamping parts, and so on. Therefore, the quality of stamping parts is directly related to the quality of related application products. How to improve the production efficiency of stamping parts can be obtained from the following aspects.

Archive and organize the mold process card and mold pressure parameters, and create corresponding nameplates that are installed on the mold or placed on the rack next to the press machine. This allows for quick viewing of parameters and adjustment of the height of the installed mold.

Add self inspection, mutual inspection, and specialized inspection in mold manufacturing to prevent quality defects. By training operators on quality knowledge, improve production quality awareness and product quality.

Improve the efficiency of mold maintenance, by maintaining and maintaining each batch of molds produced, improve the service life of the molds and improve production efficiency.

For mold defects, timely repair, welding treatment for knife block edge collapse, research and cooperation on mold production plate deformation and machine operation.

The above methods can be used to improve the production efficiency of stamping parts.

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