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What are the commonly used surface treatment methods for metal stamping parts?
12-18 / 2021

Hardware stamping parts manufacturers obtain the required shape and size of irregular stamping parts by performing irregular stamping processing on the hardware. In order to endow these irregular stamping parts with aesthetics or certain special properties, hardware stamping parts manufacturers need to perform surface treatment on the surface of the irregular stamping parts. So, do you know what surface treatment methods are commonly used for irregular stamping parts? Next, the editor of Licao Hardware Stamping Parts Manufacturer will provide a detailed introduction to the surface treatment methods of irregular stamping, including the following:

1. Surface polishing: By polishing, burrs on stamped parts can be effectively removed, preventing them from shaking hands and even achieving a smooth effect. This surface treatment method is commonly used for general daily hardware products.

2. Spray painting processing: Hardware stamping parts manufacturers use spray painting processing when producing large hardware products, which can prevent rusting of irregular stamping parts, such as daily necessities, electrical casings, handicrafts, etc.

3. Electroplating: Electroplating is also a commonly used surface treatment method for irregular stamped parts. Electroplating the surface of irregular stamped parts using modern technology can ensure that they will not mold or embroider after long-term use. Common electroplating processes include screws, stamping parts, batteries, automotive parts, and small accessories.

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