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Industry knowledge
What precautions should be taken when cleaning the power supply shrapnel
05-31 / 2024

In order to extend the service life of power supply cartridges and reduce consumption costs, we need to stop regular cleaning of power supply cartridges. What precautions should we pay attention to when cleaning? Let's share it with everyone below.

Precautions for cleaning hardware shrapnel:


1. When washing the power supply shrapnel, please be careful not to scratch the surface and prevent the use of bleach, cleaning solution containing abrasives, steel wire balls (brush roller balls), grinding tools, etc. In order to remove the cleaning solution, after washing, rinse the surface with clean water.

2. When cleaning stainless steel products, efforts should be made to minimize the damage to the surface of the stainless steel, making it look more comfortable and comfortable to use.

3. In daily life, we often see that although stainless steel does not rust, its appearance still often shows stains. Stainless steel springs are a bit more difficult than ordinary stainless steel, so some small techniques should be used to handle them.

That's all for sharing about how to clean the power supply shrapnel well and quickly, as well as precautions. Finally, it's important to regularly clean the power supply shrapnel to extend its lifespan.

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